Is it possible for a youth ministry to shift toward a passionate, persistent, and permeating focus that draws students into a closer orbit around Jesus? Absolutely! But this adventure shouldn’t be the responsibility of just the lead youth worker or the youth pastor. It’s an opportunity for the entire team to share the joyous adventure of guiding teenagers toward a clearer understanding of what Jesus really said and did, and how faith matters in their lives. That’s why we’ve written Jesus Centered Youth Ministry: Guide for Volunteers—a condensed version of author and longtime Group Magazine editor Rick Lawrence’s wildly successful book Jesus Centered Youth Ministry. This guide delivers a laser-sharp focus on practical, sustainable ways to put JCYM ideas into practice. This guide will quickly become your volunteers’ go-to handbook as they pursue ideas for creating a ministry that orbits around Jesus in every way. They’ll encounter page after page of field-tested ideas for planting and nurturing a ministry environment that is Jesus-magnetic. Help satisfy teenagers’ hunger for Jesus in richly nourishing and sustaining ways by leading your team in the journey of shifting the orbit of your ministry.
1 month ago
1 month ago