Egg Crate Convoluted Foam Mattress Pad 3" Standard Twin Size Topper - 3" x 39" x 75"
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Egg Crate Convoluted Foam Mattress Pad 3" Standard Twin Size Topper - 3" x 39" x 75"

Product ID: 37572667
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These products are made in the U.S.A. Our foams are CertiPUR-US approved and are manufactured using Plant-Based Enhanced Foam CertiPUR-US approved foams are: Low VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) emissions for indoor air quality Made WITHOUT ozone depleters; PBDEs; mercury, lead and heavy metals; formaldehyde; phthalates. All of our foam products are produced with a soy-based additive, reducing the amount of petroleum products needed in manufacturing. Polyol made partially from plant-based renewable oils such as soy and castor beans helps the environment in the following ways: Production of plant-based polyol uses up to 60% less fossil fuel resources than petroleum-based polyol. One gallon of crude oil is saved for every 11 pounds of plant-based polyol consumed. The use of plant based polyol results in a 36% less global warming emissions than petroleum based polyols. Growing plants consume carbon dioxide while producing oxygen. Two pounds of carbon dioxide are consumed by the growing plant for every pound of plant- based polyol produced. Size: 3" x 39" x 75" - 1.35 Density Remove from packaging within 72 hours of receipt to maximize foam expansion. This product arrives very tightly packed. Unwrap and allow 24 hours for this product to return to its original shape.

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