Tattle Tale Sonic Pet Training Alarm
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Tattle Tale Sonic Pet Training Alarm

Product ID: 37445532
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Keep pets off furniture: train your pets to stay off furniture or anywhere they shouldn't be or use as a security alarm for added safety. The tattle tale uses structural vibration technology and can detect motion without ever moving. Tattle tale sets off a distinct 3-second alarm to inform you of the disturbance. Pet training : keeps pets off furniture, counter tops, beds, plant stands, garbage cans, car hoods, etc. Prevents scratching, clawing, climbing and behavioral problems in the home. Many uses travel, camping and office. Safety and security: place or hang the tattle tale to detect tampering of doors, drawers, windows, cabinets, gates and any 'off-limits' area. Tattle Tale Sonic Pet Training Alarm - 2pack Features: This pet repellent is a pet training device that helps to keep pets off furniture and counters Uses structural vibration technology for pet training Detects movement vibrations a loud tone sounds to startle the pet or the human Safety & Security: Place or Hang the TATTLE TALE to Detect Tampering of: Doors Drawers Windows Gates Cabinets Any "Off Limits" Area Reduces or Prevents Scratching Clawing & Climbing Made in USA Sound level: 65 dba. @ 1 m. (re. 2 x 10 -4mb) Frequency: 5.5 khz Uses 1 9v battery (included) Tattle Tale measures 4.5" long by 2.25" wide by 1.5" high Has a hanger hole to hang on doorknobs or curtain rods

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