Bio Liss Keratin Hair Treatment kit 10.6 oz - 300 ml | Smoothing brazilian keratin treatment for sloons| Silky Smooth Hair Rejuvenation with Natural Ingredients
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Bio Liss Keratin Hair Treatment kit 10.6 oz - 300 ml | Smoothing brazilian keratin treatment for sloons| Silky Smooth Hair Rejuvenation with Natural Ingredients

Product ID: 372658058
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This organic keratin hair treatment is a complete kit that includes Clean Care 10.6 0z Reduce Reconstruction 10.6 oz Capillary Rejuvenation Mask 10.6 oz shampoo. Along with these 3 products a free massager and a pot and brush are added to this kit. This kit will provide you with a professional treatment with all natural ingredients. Safety Information: We recommend that you do the Bio Liss smoothing treatment one week before using the smoothing treatment. Instructions: For the best result, we recommend that your hair is healthy and not broken. You can color (dye) your hair at least 4 days after the Bio Liss keratin straightening treatment. The hair straightening treatment kit is natural and safe, formaldehyde and ammonia free. We recommend that you repeat the treatments every 3 months to maintain the result. Blondes and redheads may suffer from some yellowing due to exposure to the high temperature of the hair straightening iron. To avoid this, try lowering the temperature if you notice yellowing in the first few strands at the nape of your neck. Between 370- 410 F.Note: Before starting the Bio Liss keratin treatment, make sure you have a cape, bowl, gloves, brush, strong blow dryer, a 450 F ceramic flat iron, fine combs . Shake well before use! If there are any problems with the product, application or process, our team is ready to help. We will be happy to answer any questions! If for any reason you don't like the product, we will give you a full refund with no questions asked!

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