Discuss and demonstrate brushing, flossing, and oral care to toddlers and kids. StarSmilez Brush your teeth plush makes oral health fun, motivating children to have great dental health. This brushing alligator gives your kids toothbrush a place to land when they practice brushing so they can master sound oral health habits. Dental mouth model includes 4 flossible locations and a moving jaw. StarSmilez make oral hygiene fun, as a dentist toy, every day for thousands of dental professionals teaching kids oral health with our dental plush personalities. This natural hands on learning platform helps kids understand oral care concepts and techniques. StarSmilez are used to teach millions of children each year about the importance of dental health and their role in maintaining their oral health and a healthy lifestyle. StarSmilez are the original plush oral health education personalities. Use this lovable stuffed animal with teeth to teach children proper oral health care. Perfect for one on one instruction, this educational tool is a fun way to get a child excited about dental health care. Introduce your child to a lifetime of great oral health and a new tooth brushing buddy. Kids need to understand not only how to care for their teeth but why and StarSmilez can help you convey those oral health messages in a fun and informative way. We've been creating dental tools such as puppets for kids for dentists for over 30 years and now you have the access to the same platform used by dentists all over the world to engage their patients. StarSmilez can help you teach your kids how to brush, whether you use a kids electric toothbrush or a manual design. Our library include eduational kits in Spanish as well.
2 months ago
2 weeks ago