Sher Neoni Khatti Meethi Imli candy/Tamarind Digestive Candy/Imli candy/Khatti Mithi Imli candy/Packed in Airtight Container/Pack of 4/2170 gms
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Sher Neoni Khatti Meethi Imli candy/Tamarind Digestive Candy/Imli candy/Khatti Mithi Imli candy/Packed in Airtight Container/Pack of 4/2170 gms

Product ID: 361471455
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Sher candies with Imli and annar, melts in mouth, gives feeling of freshness, real like fruits flavours. Comes with a metal sealed unique jar pack for extra freshness. These khatti meethi imli,Dates,Curry Leaves candy balls is a sugar boiled hard candy, which offers a unique taste & rich aroma. It is the perfect on-the-go chew candy to keep accessible in your bag, or can be kept in a candy dish to offer visitors and children. These candies are manufactured under strict quality standards and processed using best grade factor inputs and has been prepared with outstanding taste and rich aroma. The Shelf life of this product is 9 months. It is recommended to keep in cool and dry place. Treat yourself to the sweet and tangy outburst in your mouth with that nostalgia fell of the 90's with our orange candy balls. Sher products are useful in maintaining good health and taste of entire family as also natural, hygienic, tasty, digestive, appetizing, and mouth freshening. The sweet anaar sour,spicies,and fruity flavors explode in your mouth. Make all your celebrations sweeter with these small jars of sweetness. Make your occasions and parties even more perfect with these mouth-watering khatti methi imli,spice rose patals candies balls.

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Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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Perfect platform for hard-to-find items. Delivery was prompt.

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