airpure AIRPURE Large Candle Scented, Fireside Glow Fragrance, 18oz Jar, 120 Hour Ornamental Candles, Fill The Room with a Warm and Homey Fragrance, for The Bedroom, Bathroom, Family Room of Office

Product ID: 360546358

Style Name



"DECORATE THE AIR As part of the Airpure family of products, Airpure Scented Candle Jars offer a decorative and convenient way to add high-quality fragrance to your home’s interior. No electricity needed with this 18oz candle that has a burn time of up to 120 hours. Each jar candle comes with a securely fitting top to ensure the flame is out when not in use. Decorate the air with one of our warm and cosy scents. This product has our 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not entirely pleased with your purchase, we’ll gladly provide a replacement or refund. "

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