Keiki Paste Original 5ml - Orchids and Plant cloning Hormone with Cytokinin…
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Keiki Paste Original 5ml - Orchids and Plant cloning Hormone with Cytokinin…

Product ID: 358762797
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KEIKI PASTE ORIGINAL 5ml -- The BEST KEIKI paste available in the market. We use the highest quality hormones, made in the United States. -DO NOT SETTLE FOR LOWER QUALITY PRODUCTS. Buy the BEST keiki paste for your lovely plants- Keiki is the Hawaiian word for baby or child. In the world of orchids, it means something very similar, a baby orchid plant. The keiki is an exact copy of the original plant that grows from a node on the stalk or cane of an orchid plant. They occur most typically among the Dendrobium, Epidendrum, Phalaenopsis genera of orchids. Keikis form on other genre of orchids as well, but it is less common. Once a keiki forms on an orchid, it can be left on the mother plant and will usually grow into another flowering plant, while still attached. The grown KEIKI can be removed and propagated into an individual plant. Starting a new plant can be an easy way to add to your collection or share a loved orchid with a friend. It just takes a few easy steps. There is no way to know for sure if or where, your orchid plant will produce a keiki. It happens when there is a buildup of growth hormones at the node. The nodes are the small bumps along the spikes. In order to encourage a keiki to grow you can apply KEIKI Paste Original, KEIKI Paste Plus or KEIKI Paste Extreme to the nodes. These products contain synthetic Cytokine, Kinetin, Auxin and plant vitamins to stimulate growth and encourage cell division of new tissue. If you have a specific specimen that you definitely want to replicate, it may be worth the investment. Many varieties of Phalaenopsis are particularly skilled at producing keikis.

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