SMALLLEE_LUCKY_STORE New Various Pet Cat Dog Soft Padded Vest Harness Small Dog Clothes Pink Bow M, Model: BFL049-Pink-M
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SMALLLEE_LUCKY_STORE New Various Pet Cat Dog Soft Padded Vest Harness Small Dog Clothes Pink Bow M, Model: BFL049-Pink-M

Product ID: 35832847
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*Measuring Your Dog for a Perfect Fit*1.How to measure your dog?There is a picture to show how to measure your dog above,please check it.2.Your baby usually wears size S doesn't mean all size S will fit him/her.Different designers and manufacturers use their own size charts. So the measurements given in a size SMALL by manufacturer "A" will be a size XS in manufacturer B's size chart. Don't buy a particular size because that is what you always buy in a pet shop or online store. Always look at the size chart for chest girth and length and confirm the size before you commit to buy.3.If any of the measurements are 'between' two sizes, choose the larger size.If your measurements are toward the upper end of the range given for a particular size, you may also want to choose the larger size, as you may also wish to do for heavily coated dogs to accommodate all that fur.4.Take each measurement a bit loosely.Take each measurement a bit loosely, so there will be room for your dog to move and breathe, but not too loose. (the measurement for Belly Bands is the exception -- it needs to be a bit snug)Please measure carefully before buying and email us if you have any questions about fit before you bid or make a purchase.*About Shipment*Our warehouse is located in China and all the parcels are shipped by ePacket(A service of EMS) internationally.Normally it takes 5~18 business days(except weekends) to arrive with tracking number,you can track it from the website of EMS or in detail.The estimated shipping time is not guaranteed because the real shipping time is depends on your custom.Feel free to contact us if necessary.Thanks.

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