Viipha DND Fantasy Coins 50 Antique Gold Metal Treasure Tokens with Leather Pouch - Gaming Loot, Accessories & Props
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Viipha DND Fantasy Coins 50 Antique Gold Metal Treasure Tokens with Leather Pouch - Gaming Loot, Accessories & Props

Product ID: 357775779
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The dragon's lair is laden with mystery and treasure troves filled with coins and loot. Getting your hands on this treasure won't be easy pickins by any stretch. Whether you crawl your way in stealthily or head straight into an unwelcomed skirmish, the money is worth it. From paying for your food and expenses to bartering weapons, spells and rare finds, you need your purse to be as heavy as possible to get all the advantage you need in the game. We created these Dragon Coins with metal alloy and each coin is machine engraved to offer consistent details and finish quality. They resemble real-world coins and are a perfect and essential addition to your RPG game set whether you're playing D&D or any other RPG. So adding that "realistic" feel and sound to the coinage used in a game is just a fantastic boost to the environment, and one that now drives an upgrade obsession for you. Measurements: Coins are real metal fantasy coins 1 inch (25mm or 2.5cm) in diameter (which is almost the size of a US Quarter), and 2 mm thick. Materials: Crafted from zinc alloy What You Get: - Dragon Coins * 50 - Dragon Eye Leather Pouch * 1

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