Kiwifotos Long Soft Viewfinder Eyecup Eyepiece for Nikon D750 D610 D600 D7500 D7200 D7100 D7000 D5200 D5100 D5000 D3500 D3400 D3300 D3200 D3100 D3000 D300s D300 and More
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Kiwifotos Long Soft Viewfinder Eyecup Eyepiece for Nikon D750 D610 D600 D7500 D7200 D7100 D7000 D5200 D5100 D5000 D3500 D3400 D3300 D3200 D3100 D3000 D300s D300 and More

Product ID: 355565198
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The Kiwifotos long eyecup eyepiece is an improvement eyecup over the standard original eyecup on select Nikon cameras. Your eyes will welcome the improved comfort and view provided by the Long silicone Eyepiece Upgrade for your camera's viewfinder. Its extended-length has below advantages over the standard original one comes with the camera: 1. Conforms to the shape of your eye to create a tighter and more comfortable fit. 2. Block unwanted stray light from the viewfinder, resulting in better contrast, reduced glare, and an overall enhanced user experience. 3. Its increased depth is nice for blocking more light outdoors, and helpful for keeping nose smudges off the LCD screen. It replaces the Nikon DK-20 DK-21 DK-23 DK-24 DK-25 DK-28 eyecup and compatible with the below cameras: Nikon D750 D610 D600 D300s D300 D200 D100 D7500 D7200 D7100 D7000 D5200 D5100 D5000 (Not perfectly fit on Nikon D5600, D5500, D5300) D3500 D3400 D3300 D3200 D3100 D3000 D90 D80 D70s D70 D60 D50 F80 F65 F55 FM10 To learn more about this eyecup, please see a short video at

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