Yoga Meditation Buckwheat Bolster Pillow Cushion
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Yoga Meditation Buckwheat Bolster Pillow Cushion

Product ID: 35218231
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Everything starts at the core and you are only as strong as your foundation. Find your center and sustain it for deeper meditation using the Peace Yoga Meditation Bolster. Meditation should not be interrupted by aching bones and sore muscles. Our meditation bolsters are just the right balance of firmness and pliability, tightly packed with buckwheat hulls for proper firmness yet soft enough to conform to your body’s needs. Meditation bolsters provide you with a boost up from hard floors, thus relieving stress from your hips, knees and ankles. No more numb limbs and no more constantly adjusting your position. Bolsters also help to properly align and support your spine. Maintaining proper posture helps ease your mind and allows your energy to flow freely and smoothly. Let Peace Yoga keep you rooted in comfort so your mind and spirit can truly soar.Features - Full-zip feature allows you to remove the outer cotton cover for easy cleanup - Cotton cover is machine-washable - Grab-and-go handle for easy handling - Inner buckwheat hulls core is sealed inside a pouch for easy removal and insertion - Available in different shapes to fit your body’s needs, and a wide selection of designs to fit your tastes FAQHow do I clean my Peace Yoga Meditation Bolster? Unzip cover and remove the sealed pouch of buckwheat hulls. Turn cover inside out and machine wash COLD on GENTLE cycle only. HANG DRY ONLY. DO NOT put in dryer as this may shrink the cover. Is the cover removable? Yes. The cover has a zipper so it can be cleaned separately. The buckwheat hulls are sealed in a pouch.Disclaimer: Peace Yoga shall not be liable for any claims for injuries or damages resulting from or connected with the use of the Peace Yoga Meditation Bolster. Assumption of Risk - Every exercise routine comes with inherent risks. Consult your physician before beginning any new exercise routine.

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Sneha T.

Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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