DongzhenStarry Night Light Projector for Bedroom,Sky Galaxy Projector Ocean Wave Projector Light with Remote Control & Bluetooth Music Speaker, As Gifts for Birthday Party Bedroom
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DongzhenStarry Night Light Projector for Bedroom,Sky Galaxy Projector Ocean Wave Projector Light with Remote Control & Bluetooth Music Speaker, As Gifts for Birthday Party Bedroom

Product ID: 352061999
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Choose from 10 stunning color combos and 21 lighting modes in all. This galaxy globe light has 4 colored lights (blue, white, green & red) & makes the coolest sky lights for bedrooms. The galaxy nova projector keeps on sparkling continuously and will pulse to the rhythm of music. No Cardi B - your machine will break. With the ocean wave light and galaxy light working together, it can reach up to 21 modes. You'll feel like you're cruising through a pile of stars with your galaxy glow projector. Great for studying if you’re a student. Have a USB port handy? Connect to a power bank easily! Remote Control & Auto-Off Timer: No longer fight getting out of bed or off that couch during your Netflix & chill sesh to turn off this galaxy light bedroom. With 3 Auto-off timer options, built-in one or two-hour timers, use the remote to control the night sky projector light, color, & brightness. You can freely turn on/off the lamp, change lighting mode, & turn on/off the music. The sound-activated flicker mode allows the galaxy globe light to change color according to the beat of the music, resulting in a starry night sky all along the walls of your house. Bluetooth speakers & Time: Select your favorite jam via Bluetooth or USB to play it on the galaxy nova projector. With the timer, you can set it to automatically pause at the 1 or 2 hour mark and the timer can be negated if you want it to stay on all night. Looking for a romantic atmosphere in your very own shining night sky? It creates a soothing sleep environment to help you & the kiddos doze soundly. Makes a GREAT gift for family & friends. The starlight projector could be used at a birthday party, cocktail hour, wedding, for standard room decor, for a bedroom or bathroom, a DIY rave, etc. It creates a wonderful, starry atmosphere to help kids stimulate their curiosity, imagination, and creativity. Perfect for indoor decoration as a galaxy light bedroom, romantic mood light, sky light and bed-side lamp!

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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