Presenting a great way to spice up the party, these cards are definitely a great addition. Have some fun with your friends and play a game filled with dares. Be daring and do what's written in the cards or drink up. The game can be played with both alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks. The game is really easy to play, just shuffle the deck properly and take turns to draw a card. Do what the card says or decline and drink up. A person is allowed to decline a dare 2 times consecutively. The bearer of the immunity card can skip their turn to draw a card once. Dare or dare??Drink Up!!Drink responsibly [sometimes]Use alcohol or non-alcoholic drinks< style="box-sizing: border-box;">54 cards in a deckImmunity cards includedA great game to play among friends during sleepovers
2 weeks ago
1 week ago