Lemonbest® Handsfree Eyewear Headband Magnifier Professional Jeweler's LED Lighted Magnifying Visor Glasses with 5 Lenses 1.0X 1.5X 2.0X 2.5X 3.5X
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Lemonbest® Handsfree Eyewear Headband Magnifier Professional Jeweler's LED Lighted Magnifying Visor Glasses with 5 Lenses 1.0X 1.5X 2.0X 2.5X 3.5X

Product ID: 34965496
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Glasses and Flash Light in One Simple Set ------Now you can focus on reading even in the dark without having to wear your glasses and using a flashlight. More Features: --Five interchangeable lenses in magnification powers/focal range (viewed object focal distance from lens): 1.0X---24", 1.5X---15", 2.0X--- 7-11", 2.5X--- 6-10" and 3.5X--- 4-7" --The higher power lenses are more sensitive to distance; For close up work, you can had it within 2 or 3 inches. --Distortion free lenses---you can see around them, they are 3 or 4 inches in front of your nose, so you don't have to flip up to see your coffee. --You don't get the vague closed in feeling you get with the visor. --Strong enough for tying fly --Very light---the glasses type frame is very sturdy and doesn't shift. --The light is very bright and hits exactly where you're working. Battery included. --The whole light/lenses part can flip up. --Lots of magnification choices, in a nice box--- to keep the lenses safe from dust --Price is very reasonable for what you get. Specifications: Material: ABS + acrylic lens Magnification: 1.0X, 1.5X, 2.0X, 2.5X, 3.5X Battery: 3*LR1130 (included) Lens Size: 8.5*2.8cm / 3.3*1.1" (L*W) Bracket Size: 14*23*5.5cm / 5.5*9.1*2.2" (L*W*H) Net Weight: 60g Package include: 1*Magnifier bracket 5*Lens with storage box 1*Headband 1*User manual

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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