This is the same dependable 7x7 net we've always offered but now with a Team Color option bundled with a PowerNet Hitting Tee. This innovative and affordable 7x7 baseball net is durable and perfect for tee-ball practice, infield practice, soft-toss, and softball or baseball pitching practice. The uniquely designed bow frame allows a slight bend of the poles to allow for flex and the result is a sturdy net that will resist all levels of pitching and hitting stress. Typical baseball and softball nets are bulky, heavy to move and potentially unsafe. Furthermore, many field facilities have limited use rules forcing coaches to share and split time with other teams. Other nets available for purchase on the market carry a hefty price tag and can often be a burden when it comes to maneuverability and ease of use. The bundled PowerNet Batting Tee is height adjustable making it great for team training. It's easy to set up and only seconds to put away. Use with both baseballs or softballs.
1 month ago
1 month ago