Life Planner - Undated Deluxe Weekly, Monthly Planner, a 12 Month Journey to Increase Productivity & Happiness, Life Organizer, Gratitude Journal, Law of Attraction Planner - Start Anytime
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Life Planner - Undated Deluxe Weekly, Monthly Planner, a 12 Month Journey to Increase Productivity & Happiness, Life Organizer, Gratitude Journal, Law of Attraction Planner - Start Anytime

Product ID: 348984818
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Imagine a goal planner that will help you plan every part of your life: It helps you handle the big questions, like finding your life purpose. Then, in a few easy steps, it guides you with crafting a vision, setting big goals, and creating a step-by-step plan to help you reach your goals. This planner has an out foldable vision board to help you stay motivated every day. It shows you the easy way of creating a strategy to keep you focused and driven. You can set priorities for your goals and keep a schedule for appointments, as well as for creating positive habits. The habit tracker will help you reprogram your mind for success, and eliminating any obstacles holding you back. You will feel yourself being focused and applying the law of attraction for making the universe deliver the life of your dreams - quickly, naturally, and joyously. What is all inside this planner: law of attraction roadmap: 8 steps to design your dream life awareness and self-discovery guide craft your vision & mission statement guide annual goal setting guide fold-out vision board strategy & planning guide reprogram your mind & unlock your true potential create your life statement create a new supportive story feel good guide - energy tuning for faster manifestation chunk bigger goals into smaller goals (mind mapping) weekly planning overview (60 weeks) monthly overview, goals and priorities (12 months) monthly reflection page (12 months) 100 gsm thick paper (248 pages) B5 size pu leather soft cover pen holder

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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