ELECDON Barbell Clamps Collars, Quick Release Pair of Locking Professional Weight Barbell Locks Collar Clips Great for Workout, Weightlifting, Fitness, Strength Training
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ELECDON Barbell Clamps Collars, Quick Release Pair of Locking Professional Weight Barbell Locks Collar Clips Great for Workout, Weightlifting, Fitness, Strength Training

Product ID: 346637311
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When you are in the gym, there is no better accessory than a bar to do exercises like bench press, squats, etc.  This steel bar allows you to put plates having different weights on it to enhance your strength while exercising.  However, if these plates are not properly clamped to the bar, then the plates might slide off leading to an imbalance or even injury.  ELECDON brings to you 25 mm collar clamps that are designed to withstand a large amount of load without losing their grip. The ELECDON collar clamps are a perfect match to your dumbbells as well as barbells and can be used during a cross fit session or during weightlifting and power training. These clamps offer a strong grip and are easy to release as well which makes them an ideal choice for your training. These bar clamp collars are able to withstand large amounts of both weight and movement without ever moving from their original position.  This is an important property for a clamp as many compound exercises require fast and powerful movements, therefore the clamps being used on your bar need to be highly secure and reliable!  Once you attach these clamps to your bar you no longer need to worry about the weights moving during your workout or falling off suddenly. This means that you can train with confidence and aim for better results.   Grip size: 25 millimetersColor: blackPackage included: 2pcs collar clamps

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The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

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Meera L.

Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

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