2mm Thick Dyed Veg tan Leather Craft - Reddish Brown & Irregular Shape (0.2 sqft (Sample))
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2mm Thick Dyed Veg tan Leather Craft - Reddish Brown & Irregular Shape (0.2 sqft (Sample))

Product ID: 345332741
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Size Name:0.2 sqft (sample) 2mm thick dyed veg tan leather craft - reddish brown & irregular shape QUALITY STARTS WITH MATERIALS. ——Colour we offer—— ···black ——The size we offer (Irregular shape but high utilization guaranteed)—— ···0.8~1.0 sqft ···1.6~2.0 sqft ···3.2~4.0 sqft ——Guarantee & Size remind—— The cowhide is not a regular shape and it is difficult to quantify the size specification, so we calculate the total size (surface area) for sale. Since some of the leather we sell may have little scars, animal growth lines and creases, which can be back to the growth of cows and the tanning process, we decide to sell them at a lower price. But we guarantee that each leather will be worth the price posted. ——Feature—— Some of this top grain leather may have little scars, animal growth lines and creases, but this feature does not affect the use of leather. You can use it to make leather goods and use it for craft practicing. All photos show all the details of the leather in natural light. Oil-wax treatment, make the leather waterproof and antifouling. ——Ideal uses—— This veg tan leather has a wide range of uses and is suitable for making some leather objects, we also recommend leathercraft learners to use it for some craft practicing. You can use your creativity and craft skills to give this leather a new life.

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I loved the variety of products available. Will definitely shop again.

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Vikram D.

The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

Vikram D.

The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

2 weeks ago