Atomic Liquid Filled T-Shirt Bra – Boost Your Bust by 1 to 2 Cup Sizes with Our Liquid Filled Gel Bra
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Atomic Liquid Filled T-Shirt Bra – Boost Your Bust by 1 to 2 Cup Sizes with Our Liquid Filled Gel Bra

Product ID: 341538187
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Move over Panache Atlantis – meet the NEW ATOMIC! Our in-house sewing team have created a MaxCleavage exclusive, which we’re sure you’re going to LOVE just as much (or perhaps even a little bit more!) Once in your hands, you’ll discover that the Atomic Liquid Filled Gel Bra is just stunning. Three colours to choose fromTo cover every outfit choice we have created a black T Shirt bra as well as a white and nude T Shirt bra so you can always be comfortable, regardless of what you’re wearing. Fabric and care informationOur liquid padded bras are made from 49% nylon, 43% cotton and 8% elastane and are handwash only. About us The idea for our special company,, was born in year 2000 after I watched a documentary about a 14 year old girl with small breasts saving for breast enlargement surgery. Having considered surgery myself, I knew there had to be an alternative. Although surgery provided a solution, I felt that the risks far outweighed the benefits. And so, research began for possible alternatives that were pain free and didn't have any associated risks!The many products we sell offer the same benefits as surgery but without the pain, risks or expense! We sell gel, liquid, foam and air-filled bras and swimwear that provide a much fuller shape and enhanced cleavage and we deal with many different manufacturers worldwide to get the very best products. BUY NOW and boost your bust with our stunning liquid filled t-shirt gel bra for a more curvy shape

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Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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