Floor-length dress with full skirt: dresses have gathered neckline drape, close-fitting, lined, interfaced bodice with side-front and side-back seams, gathers, skirt side-front seams, double-layered overlays, and back zipper. Raw edge finish for overlay a, B and overskirt B. Purchased Petticoat, ribbon a and flowers B. FABRICS: a, B: satin/sateen. Contrast a, 1B, 2B: novelty: organza, mesh, Tulle. Lining: cotton/cotton/blends, lining fabrics. Interfacing: sew-in interfacing. With Nap without Nap with or without Nap NOTIONS: a, B: zipper: 22for misses'; 14for kids. Purchased Petticoat. A: 41/4 yds. Of 3/8Ribbon. B: seven silk flowers. Combinations: kids[(3-4)-(5-6)-(7-8)], miss[s(8-10)-m(12-14)-l(16-18)-xl(20-22)]
4 days ago
1 month ago