Corningware 3.25 Litre Pyroceram Glass Dimensions Round Casserole, White
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Corningware 3.25 Litre Pyroceram Glass Dimensions Round Casserole, White

Product ID: 339144500
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Corningware Dimensions Round 3.25L Casserole Corningware Classic is the one dish that does it all. Uniquely versatile and extremely resilient to temperature changes, it can be put on the stove, in the microwave or the oven the minute it's out of the fridge, saving you time and effort. This durable break and chip resistant glass cookware/bakeware is also stylish enough to use as a serving dish on your table. •Amazingly versatile: use on stovetop, oven, broiler (without cover), refrigerator, freezer, or microwave. •Easy to clean; dishwasher safe •Offers real convenience and versatility unmatched by conventional cookware •The non-porous glass-ceramic won't absorb food odors or flavors or react with acid-based foods. Corningware Classic cookware provides un-equaled convenience and versatility as it can be used to cook in the oven or stovetop and then presented directly on your dining table all in one dish. Corningware Classic cookware is also the ideal casserole dish because it retains heat much longer. This means that you can use a much lower heat setting on the stovetop and cooking will continue even after the gas has been turned off. For fast, healthy meals, Corningware Classic cookware is ideal, as it will not retain food odours unlike some metals and plastic. It is available in a range of convenient sizes and shapes. • Suitable for all stovetops except induction • Oven safe • Microwave safe • Dishwasher safe • Fridge and freezer safe Warranty World Kitchen UK will replace any glass-ceramic part of your Corningware cookware that breaks from hot or cold temperatures within ten years from date of purchase. In addition, World Kitchen UK promises to replace any glass cover that breaks from heat within two years from date of purchase. Any part with a manufacturing defect will be replaced, without charge, within one year from date of purchase. For these warranties to apply, the owner must follow these Use and Care instructions provided at the time of purchase. If breakage occurs, please keep the product. You may be asked to return it. Accidental breakage from impact is not covered by warranty.

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