Generic Ethereum Coin with Display Item Case, Home, Desk, Table Decoration, Cryptocurrency Virtual Currency | Coin Represents Ethereum Network and Shows Your Support to The World Around You |
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Generic Ethereum Coin with Display Item Case, Home, Desk, Table Decoration, Cryptocurrency Virtual Currency | Coin Represents Ethereum Network and Shows Your Support to The World Around You |

Product ID: 337851169
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Ethereum is a cryptocurrency and a global payment system that is rapidly gaining in popularity. is one of the world's first decentralized digital currencies, allowing for an entirely new payment system and digital money. The crypto coin weighs 1.4 ounces, including the weight of the protective plastic case. This gives the holder a greater sense of authenticity of the coin. This crypto coin is fully metal, consisting of iron. 40mm is the size of the cryptocurrency coin. The Crypto Coin with the stand is the perfect decoration, whether it is displayed on your desk, counter, table, bookcase...etc. BONUS! Click on our company's name, text the phone number provided and we will send you a free pack of Bitcoin coins (Gold, Silver and Copper colors) if you review our product after purchasing. Please contact us for more information. LOOK - Metallic Ethereum coin with silver coating, beautifully constructed. DISCLAIMER - This collectors coin is solely a replica of Ethereum and is not to be used as currency. BUILD - Constructed with strong iron metal to ensure the durability of the coin. The 1.4oz coin is heavy and authentic. CONDITION - The plastic case keeps the cryptocurrency coin in mint condition while out of the stand. The ethereum coin can be either in or out of the plastic case while suspended by the stand. DISPLAY STAND - The stand gives the impression that the crypto coin is suspended in the air and is the perfect addition to a desk, bookcase, table, or wherever you like it! PACKAGE INCLUDES: 1. Ethereum Token 2. Case for Ethereum coin Token 3. Stand and Display for the Crypto Coin PACKAGE INCLUDES: - Ethereum Coin - Plastic Coin Case - Square Suspending Case - Plastic Stand for Case PRODUCT DIMENSIONS -

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