mindfulknits Knitting Yarn: The story of mindfulknits begins in 2013, when an engineering student decided to try out knitting to combat stress. Five years later, with a genuine belief in the health benefits of knitting, she founded mindfulknits to share a love of knitting, and the residual amazing benefits, with the world. Experience the many benefits of knitting with mindfulknits knitting yarn! Anxiety relief Stress Relief Improved dexterity Improved memory Mindfulness Satisfaction of creation The cotton yarn colors are specially curated for maximum relaxation and mindfulness when knitting: Peony – a light, gentle pink Dahlia – a gorgeous violet Tulip – a deep, rich red Fern – an earthy green The softest, smoothest and most perfect knitting yarn: Yarn Contents: 100% Cotton, VEGAN, machine-washable Yarn Weight: Medium/Worsted Yarn Length: 84 meters/50 grams; 92 yards/50 grams Knitting Yarn Gauge: 4"=16 stitches on size 8 (5.0mm)needles Knitting needles suggestion: US size 7-9 (4.5-5.5mm) Crochet hook suggestion: I-9-K10.5 (4.5-5.5mm) Features: Your favorite items to make with this yarn: Washcloths, Hats, Scarves, Amigurumi, Blankets Convenient and Portable : Knit on a train, a plane,or in the comfort of your home Value for money: Get great quality knitting yarn at a really great price
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