The three sacred thread of Janeu signify the three Goddesses- Parvati (strength), Lakshmi (wealth) and Saraswati (knowledge)! There's a famous belief that once you wear a Janeu, then it'll guard you against any negative energy or thoughts throughout your life U should buy the yellow thread and go to temple and tell the priest about it and for concentration if u r righty tie it on right hand and if u r lwft tie on left hand .During this ceremony, the groom is offered three strands of sacred thread, each representing three vows, namely - the vow to respect knowledge, the vow to his parents, and the promise to respect the society in which he livesThere are references of women wearing their janeu around their neck like necklace instead of on their shoulder and torso unlike their male counter parts. According to Vedas Grihashta/ married men are allowed to wear two sacred threads, one for themselves and another for their wife.
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