World Paper Money: 15 Banknotes from Latin America - Elevate Your Foreign Currency Collection with Old Banknotes and Complete Your Album of Collectibles. Certificate of Authenticity Included.
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World Paper Money: 15 Banknotes from Latin America - Elevate Your Foreign Currency Collection with Old Banknotes and Complete Your Album of Collectibles. Certificate of Authenticity Included.

Product ID: 331320221
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Your Monetary MuseumGet in touch with history like never before. Open up your 15-country banknotes collection from Impacto Coleccionables, a world leader in numismatics. Each one of your uncirculated bills was inspected by an expert member of the American Numismatic Association, and your collection comes with a certificate of authenticity.Verified VarietyFill your banknote album with 15 different banknotes and no duplications. Your collection was packed by hand with great attention to detail and arrives with a packing slip detailing countries of origin and face values.Accessible ArtifactsYou might not be able to collect priceless statues, but you can certainly get into banknote and coin collecting! Put together an exciting historical exhibit on a budget. Your world currency collection has all the same historical significance as anything in a museum and doesn’t break the bank.A Thoughtful Gift for ThinkersSend the special history buff in your life an impressive foreign currency collection to spark their imagination and satisfy their thirst for knowledge. Your gift is a unique window to the past that gives a different perspective than books or documentaries. Help them steep themselves in the cultures and symbology of nations past and present.The Impacto PromiseCount on us to bring you banknote and coin collection supplies full of enticing monetary relics you won’t find anywhere else. Check out our full line of numismatic products that spans over 1,000 years of human history and the cold, hard cash that supported it all.Reach out and feel the impact.

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