Tioga Sit-On-Top Kayak with Paddle (2 Pack), Lime, 120"
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Tioga Sit-On-Top Kayak with Paddle (2 Pack), Lime, 120"

Product ID: 33048975
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Lifetime tioga 120 kayak - the 120" adult kayak has a 275 lb. Weight capacity and comes in Lime green. This 90643 is a "sit-on-top" (sot) kayak and comes with a seat back, front and rear shock cords, one 6" storage hatch in the rear, a paddle cradle with shock cord and front and rear t-handles. Comes with in a 2-pack with two kayak paddles (1066285) and a 5-year limited . The lifetime tioga 120 kayak is a "sit-on-top" kayak that has a comfortable backrest for your long paddling adventures. Designed for extreme safety and stability, the tioga has a stable flat bottom with deep tracking channels and stability chine rails. The kayak is constructed of blow-molded high-density polyethylene (HDPE) making it durable, UV-protected, and impact resistant. The lightweight, 50 pound design and front and rear carry handles make it easy to transport to and from the waterfront. With shock cord straps, multiple footrest positions, and a 6" rear compartment, this kayak has plenty of "extras" to enhance your paddling experience.

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