THE ADVANTAGES OF GROWING IN PUMICE Pumice is one of Mother Nature's unique and widely useful creations. Born of earth and fire, pumice is essentially a whipped foam of volcanic glass - each stone made up of highly vesicular strands permeated with tiny air bubbles. The physical and elemental properties of pumice give it its unique and infinitely useful qualities - qualities that are welcomed in a wide range of industrial and practical applications. That includes horticulture. Pumice in HorticulturePumice is used widely to improve the growability of soils - combating compaction and runoff, improving friability and aeration, and holding moisture and nutrients in the root zone. The same properties that make pumice an excellent soil amendment and conditioner also translate to soilless grow media systems. With the rising popularity of high-efficiency growth systems, especially aquaponic flood and drain systems, pumice provides many advantages as a soilless grow media. SUSTAINABLE AND GREEN Since the entire suite of pumice's useful properties are bestowed by nature, the process to prepare pumice for market is simple, sustainable and green.Our pumice grow media is not manufactured - it is simply removed from the deposit, crushed, dried, and screened to size. - No super-heating was necessary, which means lower carbon production emissions than the inchexpandedinch and recycled growing medias on the market. - No chemicals are used to produce pumice stones. - No water is needed in the production process. Even the pumice dust that clings to the particles is useful - providing readily soluble trace minerals and nutrients to the system. - Uses low-impact, surface mining process to acquire the pumice. The soil is set aside and used to reclaim and replant the mined area, returning the land to its natural state of high-desert grassland.
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