Fu (good luck), Lu (high rank and fortune), and Shou (longevity) are considered the three essential elements for a happy life in Chinese Culture. Representing a family-oriented culture, the god Fu is depicted with a child in his arm. Wearing a hat of a high official in the emperor's court, the god Lu represents good fortune. As a society based on Confucius's scholar-statesman philosophy, the way to acquire good fortune was first to receive a good education and then to become a high rank official. He is always in the center of these three. The long-bearded old sage is the God of longevity. He is always seen with a peach in his hand which is a symbol of longevity in Chinese mythology. Made of porcelain, the three gods are seen in most Chinese households and bring positive Feng-Shui. Each 1 is approximately 3.25"W x 3"D x 12.5"H.