Ponds Magic Freshness Fragrant Talcum Powder with Acacia Honey| Perfumed Talc with Refreshing Sweet Fragrance| Fine Textured Talc Absorbs Sweat & Prevents Odour| Paraben-Free| 300 gm
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Ponds Magic Freshness Fragrant Talcum Powder with Acacia Honey| Perfumed Talc with Refreshing Sweet Fragrance| Fine Textured Talc Absorbs Sweat & Prevents Odour| Paraben-Free| 300 gm

Product ID: 324328948
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We often wonder if there is a product that could help us retain the shower-like freshness throughout the day! Get that instant burst of freshness after a shower with Pond’s Magic Freshness Acacia Honey talc that will keep you rejuvenated & fresh for long hours. Infused with the fragrance of Acacia Honey, which is known for its skincare benefits, Pond’s Magic Freshness Acacia Honey talc – gives you soft & smooth skin throughout the day. Summer-perfect for both men and women, this perfumed talc helps you to stay refreshed to make you feel empowered. Pond's talc is made with the finest texture of talcum, derived from nature, which efficiently absorbs sweat, fights body odour, and combats bacteria. You can gently powder your face for smoother and brighter skin. Pond’s Magic Freshness Talc comes in a Vibrant pack with a twist-lock button for quick and easy dispensing. This is a new & improved formula that works for giving you fragrance and long-hour freshness. Use this right after the shower in the morning & before going to bed at night for that soothing freshness. The youthful and fruity fragrance of Acacia Honey will lure you the entire day. So go out with confidence and rule the world with this sweet scent of Acacia Honey. Usage: Use every day, before exposure to sun to keep your natural glow intact.

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