Saratoga Farms Dehydrated Carrots, Freeze-Dried Vegetables for Emergency Food Supply with a 10-to-20-Year Shelf Life, 77 Total Servings, 1 Pack
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Saratoga Farms Dehydrated Carrots, Freeze-Dried Vegetables for Emergency Food Supply with a 10-to-20-Year Shelf Life, 77 Total Servings, 1 Pack

Product ID: 324155592
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Saratoga Farms is here to help you stock different options of healthy emergency freeze-dried foods the easy way. You should never forget essential nutrients and food groups in your emergency-preparedness food supply, so vegetables should always be included! Our freeze-dried diced carrot pieces are a great source of vitamin A and other nutrients. You can use these dehydrated vegetables in recipes to make things like carrot bread, cakes, and other foods! Add these carrot dices to a variety of other Saratoga Farms dehydrated foods for complete meals in a snap!To prepare, add boiling water to the freeze-dried carrot slices. Stir and let sit 15–20 minutes until they are fully reconstituted. Drain the excess water and enjoy. One serving equals 1/8 cup dry (15 g), and each container has 77 servings. One can contains 2,387 calories. Whether you are adding these carrots to your emergency kit or buying them for everyday adventures, this long-lasting, high-quality product will contribute to your family’s nutrition and well-being. Plus, they taste deliciously sweet! We recommend storing this product in an environment with a temperature of 60°F or lower and a humidity of 10% or less to achieve the maximum shelf life.Every Saratoga Farms #10 can has a 300 cc oxygen absorber sealed inside to help maximize each can’s shelf life. All of our emergency food supply for family preparedness products and accessories offer you the security of never being without essentials when you need them the most. We provide high-quality products at the fairest prices possible to help you make the best decisions for those who depend on you.

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