Do you love oil painting but just a novice? Do you want to create a masterpiece without any painting basic to decorate your home become artistic? Are you looking for something to relax your mind, develop patience and kill the boring time or to improve the relationship with your families, children, lovers or friends by finishing one painting together? Choose WisLotife DIY oil painting, DIY oil painting is the latest DIY product integrated by leisure, entertainment, creation, decoration, present, and learning. It is now extremely popular and widely used in America, Europe, Japan and Korea. Warm tips:( Wood Frame does not included.) 1. The paint is non-toxic, but please do not eat. If you happen to have the paint on your clothing, please wash it immediately. 2. You can decide the drawing turn according to your flavor, if you are careless to filling a wrong color, please cover it with the correct color directly. 3. Please cover well the paint when you don’t use it, in case it becomes dry. 4. Please wash cleanly the brush the next time’s use. 5. The colors between the referenced painting and the paint may be a bit different due to printing. 6. The paint we offer is enough for the normal use, please do not waste it in case of the paint shortage. 7.This DIY oil painting kit suit for children who are over 6 years old and adults. PACKAGE INCLUDES: 1 * Professional Canvas(without wooden frame) 16” * 20” 1 * Set of Acrylic (Oil) Paint 3 * Painting brushes (Small, Medium, Large) 2 * Wall hooks 1 * Plastic bag
3 weeks ago
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