Spinergy The Game that's not square! Board Game
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Spinergy The Game that's not square! Board Game

Product ID: 32240487
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Take 3 words—voices, freeze and refrigerator—and use them to invent a shocking headline for a tabloid. C’mon, do it. Play along now. How about: “Cryogenic Refrigerator Shuts Down. Scientists Hear Voices in Human Freeze Chamber.” That’s the ingenious challenge to this inventive word game called Spinergy. Every turn is totally unique. Scenario cards provide 200 uncommon contexts, from coming up with an ad slogan for a T-shirt, to describing how your life was miraculously saved by a platoon of Marines, to inventing a new superhero, to composing a convincing pick-up line, to creating a prenuptial agreement or country-western song (and singing it, of course). But you have to use the 3 words, and you have to use them exactly as they appear on the “G.” (For example, in the tabloid line above, you wouldn’t be able to use “Freezer” or “Voice.”) The G (word up) is a sophisticated, ultra-sleek random word generator with independently spinning wheels and a sand timer in the center. When it’s your turn to be the Spinner, you try to predict (generally) the other players’ responses and write down 3 words (other than the 3 on the G) that you think they’ll use. Players gain points for using the words correctly and according to the scenario. Spinners steal points from the players whose words they predict. An original modern game for 2 or more players, it includes a G, 2 sets of interchangeable word rings (6 rings total), a sand timer, 200 scenario cards, 6 scratch pads, 6 pencils and an instruction booklet. Additional themed G-Rings, including Mmm Chocolate! and Hullabaloo, and That’s Amore and Play Ball!, sold separately in packs of 2. From Gnu Games. Ages 15 and up. Imported. Game Box: 12-1/2Lx12-1/2W”. Spinner: 10-7/8” dia.

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