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Chicken Gyoza (Halal) , Thin Dough , Tasty Dumpling , Aperitif & Starter Snack , Contain Whole Healthy Ingredients , Wonderfully Flavoursome , Asian Flavor , Luxury & Gourmet Food - 25 Grams (24PCS)
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Chicken Gyoza (Halal) , Thin Dough , Tasty Dumpling , Aperitif & Starter Snack , Contain Whole Healthy Ingredients , Wonderfully Flavoursome , Asian Flavor , Luxury & Gourmet Food - 25 Grams (24PCS)

Product ID: 321678367
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Chicken Gyoza 25 Grams (24PCS) - HalalA flavorful Asian taste! It is always a good idea for a lunch or dinner with family or friends. We selected a nice range of Dim Sum, Pao and Gyoza ready to use as an aperitif or for a starter and can be ready in less than 15 minutes.Features:Gyoza are dumplings filled with ground meat and vegetables and wrapped in a thin dough.The typical gyoza filling consists of ground, nira chives, green onion, cabbage, ginger, garlic, soy sauce and sesame oil, but some creative gyoza shops have also come up with a range of other fillings.The filling is made up of ground chicken, minced napa cabbage, along with some scallion, garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic, and fresh ginger.Gyoza contains flour, meat and vegetables. If the gyoza is served in a restaurant or you made them from scratch, they will contain just natural healthy products.Condition - FrozenOrigin - UAEWeight - 25 GramsPacking - Single Pack

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Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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