Job's Tears Rosary 3rd Class relic Saint Faustina Kowalska Mystic and Visionary True Relic Rosary Apostle Divine of Mercy Jesus I Trust in You Three O' Clock Prayer Poland Polish Novena
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Job's Tears Rosary 3rd Class relic Saint Faustina Kowalska Mystic and Visionary True Relic Rosary Apostle Divine of Mercy Jesus I Trust in You Three O' Clock Prayer Poland Polish Novena

Product ID: 319957256
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3rd class relic Job's Tears rosary Saint Faustina Kowalska mystic and visionary True Relic Rosary Apostle Divine of Mercy JESUS I TRUST IN YOU Three O' Clock prayer Poland Polish Novena rosary length* 23inch *(from the end of the medal to the middle of 3rd decade) medal size 2" x 1" bead size 0.25" x 0.25" Maria Faustyna Kowalska, commonly known as Saint Faustina, born Helena Kowalska (August 25, 1905, Głogowiec, Polandthen in the Russian Empire – Died October 5, 1938, Kraków, Poland) was a Polish nun, mystic and visionary. She is venerated in the Roman Catholic Church as a saint, and is known as the Apostle of Divine Mercy. Patronage: World Youth Day, What is Ex indumentis? The phrase Ex indumentis is Latin for "from the clothing", most commonly used when referring to 2nd Class holy relics of saints or blessed individuals In proper ecclesiastical phraseology, ex indumentis is used when referring to an article or fragment of clothing that was owned or used by a saint (or similarly blessed individual). However, In recent years, contemporary manufacturers of relic medals, holy plaques, saint statues and religious trinkets label their items as being ex indumentis even though they are not such; rather, they are items touched to an actual relic of the saint, then stamped out en-masse to be attached to their souvenir medals or statues,etc. As such, they are 3rd-class relics and not 2nd-class relics, as the phrase ex indumentis implies. All our items are marketed as 3rd class relics. They are items touched to the actual relic of the saint.

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