Tactical Traps - Freedom 52R Concealment Shelf with Trap Door and RFID Lock - Secure & Safe Hidden Concealment Compartment - 46" X 13.5" X 5" - Dark Walnut
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Tactical Traps - Freedom 52R Concealment Shelf with Trap Door and RFID Lock - Secure & Safe Hidden Concealment Compartment - 46" X 13.5" X 5" - Dark Walnut

Product ID: 317230724
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Tactical Traps Freedom 52R concealment Shelf with Trap Door provides safe and secure storage to keep you and your family safe from any threat in an instant. The excellent craftsmanship and sleek lines of this high-end shelf available in several wood finishes would be a beautiful piece on its own, but also provides safe storage with a secret compartment and lightning-fast accessibility. Installation is quick and can be completed in minutes, with no additional supporters or sheetrock cutting needed. It will be hard not to show off the hidden compartment of this shelf straight out of a spy movie, but rest assured no one will find out until you allow it. Equipped with state-of-the-art RFID (radio frequency Identification) locking system that opens the shelf in one second and built-in emergency lock-out prevention, you can rest easy knowing the kids will not be able to show their friends, but you will be ready to rock and roll in seconds to protect your family. The hidden compartment comes equipped with 1” thick customizable foam that can be trimmed to fit your needs. The extension damper lowers, revealing your hidden item coupled with an attractive LED Display that comes included with your order which looks incredible at night. The Freedom 52R exterior dimensions are 46" x 13.5" x 5". The secret compartment dimensions are 39" x 8.5" x 3".

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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