CUQNORL Vinyl Dumbbell of 2-8 WEIGHT OPTIONS, Non-Slip, Hexagon Shape,Coated Cast Iron Hex Dumbbell Weight for Men & Women,Strength Building, Weight Loss(1-10KG)
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CUQNORL Vinyl Dumbbell of 2-8 WEIGHT OPTIONS, Non-Slip, Hexagon Shape,Coated Cast Iron Hex Dumbbell Weight for Men & Women,Strength Building, Weight Loss(1-10KG)

Product ID: 314719431
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Nothing’s better than a dumbbell - Improve cardiovascular health - Increase muscle mass - Burn calories by raising heart rate - Increase bone density, decrease risk of fracture - Improve muscular endurance Solid Cast Iron Core Constructed of high-quality solid cast iron core to add more durability & stability. Will not break or bend after repeated use. Contoured, Non-slip Handle Thick durable Neoprene coating provides a comfy grip on hands and doesn’t require gloves. Plus, it reduces noise and protects your workout area. Hexagonal Heads The special-shaped hexagonal head design helps protect you and the floor in case of drops and prevents it from rolling on the floor when put away. Inspire yourself. Challenge your game! You can start from beginner to the next level easily by simply choosing one of our available products. Sold in pair or set: Available 1KG,1.5KG, 2KG, 3KG, 4KG, 5KG, 8KG, 10KG. ★ Tips: You can start by evaluating your strength and decide what your weight lifting goals are. Dumbbell Lunge with Press 1. Standing with a dumbbell in each hand, palms faced towards each other 2. Stepping forward with your right leg, keep your left leg stationary, inhale and lower your left knee until your shin is perpendicular to the ground. 3.While in lunge position, perform an over head press. Reaching your arms overhead, lower weights to goal post positions. 4. With emphasis on the heel of your foot, exhale and push your body back up to start position. 5. Careful to maintain your balance, continue to alternate each leg.

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

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