K&N Throttle Response Controller: Accelerate Faster; Increase Response from Pedal to Engine; Compatible with 2005-2021 Toyota (Tacoma, FJ Cruiser, 4Runner), 20-9026
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K&N Throttle Response Controller: Accelerate Faster; Increase Response from Pedal to Engine; Compatible with 2005-2021 Toyota (Tacoma, FJ Cruiser, 4Runner), 20-9026

Product ID: 308355337
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The K&N Throttle Control Module is designed to improve throttle response and acceleration, and increases pedal sensitivity without modifying factory ECU settings. The system processes input data from the gas pedal, and modifies the signal before sending it to the ECU for an adjustable level of sensitivity, creating an increase in throttle responsiveness that will make your car feel like a whole new machine. The Throttle Control Module can typically be installed in less than 30 minutes with no software required, and is adjustable on-the-go, helping you fine-tune the sensitivity of your throttle response. The kit includes the module, wiring harness, adjustable knob, hardware, and detailed instructions, and is covered under K&N’s 90-Day Limited Warranty. How It Works -The Throttle Control Module processes input data from the gas pedal, and modifies the signal before sending it to the ECU for an adjustable level of sensitivity, creating an increase in throttle responsiveness. Wire harness -The wire harness connects the Throttle Control Module’s electronic control unit to the throttle pedal on the vehicle, allowing a direct connection between your gas pedal and throttle body. The plugs and connectors are designed to attach directly to your vehicle’s stock components for easy plug-and-play installation. Control dial -The stylish aluminum control dial installs into the cab of your vehicle to give you direct control over your Throttle Control Module, allowing you to adjust how much or how little the throttle signal is adjusted. Not legal for sale or use on any pollution controlled motor vehicle in California.

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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