One of our favorite treats when we visit Santiago de Compostela in Galicia is to order a steaming pot of berberechos. These tiny clams are brimming with the briny flavor of the sea. Conservas de Cambados offers these delicious little cockles packed in brine. Across Spain it is a tradition to offer canned seafood as a delicacy at restaurants and bars. Great care is taken to prepare and package this delectable seafood in perfect condition, so that when you open a tin you are experiencing the true flavor of fresh seafood. The seas off the coast of Galicia in Northwest Spain are cool and rich in nutrients, making them an incredible fishing ground. Conservas de Cambados is located close to one of Spain’s largest Rías (estuaries), known as the 'Ría de Arousa'. Their facilities are very close to where the seafood is harvested, so they are able to use the freshest squid and shellfish available.
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