Trigger Point Muscle Knots Massage Balls Pointed (Pack of 2) - Pointed Design for Targeted Pressure - Soft Touch Silicone - Moderately Dense - Deep Tissue Massage
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Trigger Point Muscle Knots Massage Balls Pointed (Pack of 2) - Pointed Design for Targeted Pressure - Soft Touch Silicone - Moderately Dense - Deep Tissue Massage

Product ID: 305489717
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Trigger Point Deactivation Myofascial Release Massage Balls.Place the ball at the trigger point or a tender point.You'll feel a discomfort and possibly referring pain.Keep this feeling, don't press too much further.Deeply slowly inhale, deeply slowly exhale.In about 30-60 seconds the discomfort will "melt away".This is called one session. Repeat this over once to trice a week to remove muscle hypertension, for myofascial release, trigger points deactivation.✅ The targeted muscle should be relaxed.✅ You may try to slowly rotate a ball one direction and another direction. This will twist the soft tissue and may accelerate the release.✅ If you feel fasciculation (involuntary rapid muscle twitches) you are on the right track.If you are looking for a great self-massage tool and you have tight achy muscles and trigger points don't pass by.You'll have two small spheres of moderately dense material (silicone) which hit all the right spots and are completely portable to take with you anywhere.Trigger point release massage balls have a pointed design to work directly on muscle knots and trigger points by applying pressure, friction, and squeezing.This muscle therapy tool can be used for myofascial release, self-massage, and trigger point therapy. A trigger point massage ball is for self-treatment of trigger points and muscle knots. It's a great, easy to use tool for relieving muscle pain.

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