Babymoov Milky Now Instant Formula Prep Baby Bottle Maker
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Babymoov Milky Now Instant Formula Prep Baby Bottle Maker

Product ID: 304480457
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Product Description Babymoov milky now instant formula prep is easily and quickly prepare bottles in complete safety. when you are a parent, there are so many things to do and think about at home that every minute counts. the milky now bottle maker is easy to use and with it you can prepare your baby's bottle in less than a minute. it heats the water quickly to the desired temperature (22 ° c to 100 ° c) and distributes it directly into the bottle with the push of a button. this handy bottle maker automatically pours 60 ml of water, so you no longer have to measure it! thanks to its large capacity (1.1 l) and its "keep the water hot" function, you can prepare your little one's milk bottle instantly and safely, at any time of the day or night. the water will always be at the programmed temperature, regardless of what time your child eats. and if you are also looking for peace of mind regarding the quality of the water you give your baby, the "100 ° c" function of this device will allow you to heat it to a temperature high enough to eliminate any potential bacteria and guarantee its cleanliness. thanks to its built-in cooling system, you only have to wait a few minutes for the water to return to the initially desired temperature. the bottle maker is easy to use and easy to wash. Set Contains: Milky Now Instant Formula Prep Baby Bottle Maker

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