Add the Coldcreek Outfitters Outdoor Washing Table and Sink to your outdoor gear for a foldable and portable washing, cooking, and food-prep solution. Made from heavy-duty polyurethane and a sturdy steel frame, these dual-sink tables are built to be rugged and durable—perfect for outdoor use. Whether you use this table in your patio, in your garden, or in the backcountry, you'll be prepared for whatever you need. Because it's lightweight and durable, this folding sink station can be used for backpacking, camping, or picnics. Whip it out on a summer weekend to enjoy spending time with friends and eating food made from your backyard grill. With this table as part of your outdoor gear, you'll be prepared for backyard barbecues, camping excursions, and spring picnics. This table provides enough room for cutting meat, prepping food, and cleaning gear. With 2 large sinks measuring 1.5" and 4.5" deep, this utility camp table provides the space that you need for cleaning and filleting fish, washing gear, and more. This table measures 33" tall—the perfect standing height. It measures 40" x 26" and is easy to set up and take down so you can quickly get to your favorite activities. This is one of those camping accessories that you can't live without. Whether you're using this table as a backyard grilling tool or a backpacking camp kitchen accessory, it provides the space and sturdiness you need. This foldable camp table is lightweight, sturdy, portable, and versatile. It provides everything you need in an outdoor faucet.
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