HEMJEX 6 pack ABS Muscle Exerciser Trainer Smart Abs Stimulator Fitness Gym Abs Stickers Pad Body Slimming for Unisex,Exerciser Training Device Massager
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HEMJEX 6 pack ABS Muscle Exerciser Trainer Smart Abs Stimulator Fitness Gym Abs Stickers Pad Body Slimming for Unisex,Exerciser Training Device Massager

Product ID: 302557440
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1. Made of high quality Polyurethane (PU) material, close to your skin, good touching feeling and non-toxic. 2. A physical workout device for enhancing your muscles, make you can good body shape without even lifting a finger. 3. Using advanced technology, scientifically exercising your muscles will not harm your body. 4. According to suitable power and speed on body by low frequency which makes a rhythm and sort impetus on body. 5. Electromagnetic pulses help firm and define your core with strengthening muscle contractions. 6. Muscle training when working in office, cleaning house, or any place you want. Features: Voltage: Battery 1.5 V AAA X 2 EA Usage patterns: A –F (6 Pattern) Frequency: 1 ~ 100 Hz Working Hours: 12 Minutes (Per Setup time) Output: Maximum 9.8 mA Size: 21 X 10 X 2.3 cm Precautions: Do not use it when you are sleeping. Do not use more than twice every day. Maximum usage each time should not exceed 30 minutes. Prohibition to person: People have skin problems, such as skin allergies. Less than 15 years old and older than 50 The pulse adjustment machine is for medical treatment by electronic and etc. that insert into body. An electrocardiograph is for medical treatment by electronic machine and etc. that are by paste.

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