WIG BOND Steps: 1. Using the applicator, apply 4 thin coats of lace glue to the scalp, keeping the same quantity of adhesive with each coat.2. Apply 4 thin coats at a time. Put each coat on as soon as the previous coat turns clear.3. After applying the 4th coating, wait 5~10 minutes until the bond is sticky and tacky, then press the hair system into place.4. Use a scarf to tie it down for 5~10 minutes. Wig remover has complete water resistance, perfect ph balance, and 80% natural ingredient. Please test it on a small piece of skin before using it.The directions are very important to follow. You can end up damaging your skin, your hair unit, or both if not used correctly. Patience is the key to removing lace front wig adhesive without any damages.Steps:1. Spray on paper towel or make-up applicator 2. Rub along the hairline and all areas with adhesive.3. Let it sit 1-2 minutes to soften adhesives for easier removal.4. Repeat these steps until you feel the grip of the wig lessening enough to pull free of the skin*** Take extra care when tugging to prevent tearing the lace.*** 5. The hair unit/piece will begin to lift from the scalp.6. Wipe off completely and wash with shampoo as usual.
2 months ago
2 months ago