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Motor Drive Module High-Power Driver for Smart Car BTS7960 43A Electric Components,Dual BTS7960 H-Bridge Driver Circuit with Stable Performance
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Motor Drive Module High-Power Driver for Smart Car BTS7960 43A Electric Components,Dual BTS7960 H-Bridge Driver Circuit with Stable Performance

Product ID: 300455329
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Specification: Item Type: Motor drive module   Feature: Double BTS7960 high current (43 A) H-bridge driver; 5V is isolated from MCU to effectively protect MCU; Onboard 5V power indicator; Voltage indication at the output of the motor driver; The radiator can be welded; PIN Definition: 1. RPWM: Turn right to PWM 2. LPWM: Turn left PWM 3. R_EN: Turn right to enable (active high) 4. L_EN: Enable left turn (active high) 5. R_IS: Right turn current warning (may float) 6. L_IS: Left-turn current warning (may float) 7. VCC: (5V) 8. GND Connection Method: Method 1: VCC: 5V from single chip microcomputer (MCU) GND: GND of the microcontroller (MCU) L_PWM: PWM or 5V from the microcontroller (MCU) for CCW (CW) turns R_PWM: PWM or 5V from microcontroller (MCU) for CW (CCW) turns R_EN and L_EN: 5V from the microcontroller (MCU) Method 2: VCC: 5V from single chip microcomputer (MCU) GND: GND of the microcontroller (MCU) L_PWM: 5V from the microcontroller (MCU) for CCW (CW) turns R_PWM: 5V from the microcontroller (MCU) for CW (CCW) turns R_EN and L_EN: PWM from microcontroller (MCU) Merely four wires (GND. 5V. PWM1. PWM2) are needed from the MCU to the driver module; Isolation chip 5 V power supply (can be shared with MCU 5 V); Can make the motor rotate forward, two PWM input frequencies up to 25kHZ; Two heat flows through an error signal output; Isolation chip 5V power supply (can be shared with MCU 5V), you can also use the onboard 5V power supply; Power supply voltage 5.5V to 27V; Package List: 1 x Motor Drive Module   

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