Creative Educational Aids P. Ltd. - CRE1014 Let's Find Out When Puzzle (Multi-Color) & CRE0642 Action Words Puzzle (Multi-Color) & CRE1062 Time Match Card Game (Multi-Color)
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Creative Educational Aids P. Ltd. - CRE1014 Let's Find Out When Puzzle (Multi-Color) & CRE0642 Action Words Puzzle (Multi-Color) & CRE1062 Time Match Card Game (Multi-Color)

Product ID: 299380148
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Creative Educational Aids P. Ltd. - CRE1014 Let's Find Out When Puzzle (Multi-Color)“Let’s Find Out When…?” introduces children to the concept of “Wh” questions with the help of 27 large two piece Match-Ups and an ‘Activity Guide’. The question ‘When’ is used when we want to know about the time when something happened. Two cards of the match-ups have pictures drawn on them along with the text written in the form of question or answer. This allows both the readers and non-readers to play the game. The child is required to observe/read 27 cards one-by-one and match them with the corresponding answer cards. This way, the child will understand the ‘Why’ questions while developing their language, visual discrimination and reasoning skills.Creative Educational Aids P. Ltd. - CRE0642 Action Words Puzzle (Multi-Color)“Action Words 2 in 1” pack contains 24 self-correcting match ups (48 large pieces) and an Activity Guide, where each set of match-up has a picture card and a word card. In this game, child develops his/her verbal expression, communication skills and understanding of correct usage of verbs by matching picture cards which show some simple action with the correct corresponding word card(verb). It also contains a poster to reinforce the concept of verbs and colour the objects. Children enhance their colouring skills, visual discrimination skills by seeing and writing the Action Words in the given spaces.Creative Educational Aids P. Ltd. - CRE1062 Time Match Card Game (Multi-Color)"Time Match" contains 20 sets of three piece large colour-coded self-correcting Activity Cards (total 60 cards) which can be used to play different matching activities and games given in the Activity Guide. The children will: 1. Match analogue and digital time, 2. Match analogue and time in words 3. Match analogue, digital and time in words, 4. Sequence time. The children may also play different memory games like Concentration, Snap and Fish to enhance their observation, visual discrimination and problem solving skills.

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