Front Screen Outer Upper Touch Glass Lens Panel for Samsung j4 / j400f Gold(Note:- This is not a Screen Guard)
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Front Screen Outer Upper Touch Glass Lens Panel for Samsung j4 / j400f Gold(Note:- This is not a Screen Guard)

Product ID: 297219073
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It is not Display or touch screen. It is only front glass replacement If touch and display is working fine in your handset and only front glass is broken or shattered then you have to replace only front glass lens. If you have a broken Outer Glass and LCD Working fine for your Phone, so you have to purchase this item. This is a right product for your phone and you have been looking for. Replace the old, broken, cracked, damaged Touch Glass with a new replacement Touch Glass which is compatible to its respective branded product and make your device work more refreshing than ever. Each item has been checked and in good condition before shipping. *** Installation Guidelines*** 1) Professional installation is highly recommended. We will not be responsible for any damages to your cell phone/mobile phone that you may cause during the changing of replacement parts. 2) Test before installation. When testing, do not remove any protective film or tags. 3) Please pay attention to the problem of static electricity. This will prevent static electricity from damaging the electronic components within the phone. 4) Ensure you wear eye protection and use caution not to cut your finger with the glass splinters. 5) Once you are satisfied with the quality of the replacement part, and then only, install it completely.

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