ITC's Nimwash Vegetable & Fruit Wash I 500 ml I 100% Natural Action, Removes Pesticides & 99.9% Germs,with Neem and Citrus Fruit Extracts , Safe to use on veggies and fruits | Cleans veggies & fruits (Pack of 2)
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ITC's Nimwash Vegetable & Fruit Wash I 500 ml I 100% Natural Action, Removes Pesticides & 99.9% Germs,with Neem and Citrus Fruit Extracts , Safe to use on veggies and fruits | Cleans veggies & fruits (Pack of 2)

Product ID: 296917121
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Water alone is not effective for germ removal and cleaning vegetables & fruits. It often leaves behind pesticides and is not able to disinfect the vegetables and fruits from food-borne illnesses causing germs. This can affect the health and safety of your family. Introducing ITC’s Nimwash Vegetable & Fruit Wash with 100% Natural Action^ and Neem & Citrus Fruit extracts, which effectively washes away pesticides & 99.9% germs* from the vegetables & fruits. It has no added artificial dyes, bleach, chlorine or soap and is completely safe to use on your veggies & fruits. Nimwash cleans dirt, soil, pesticides and 99.9% germs from the surface of veggies and fruits, so that you can enjoy veggies and fruits, as nature intended them to be. Nimwash cleans vegetables & fruits effectively with the power of natural ingredients. Now wash your vegetables & fruits in convenient and easy to use steps and keep your family healthy and protected from germs. From surfaces of vegetables & fruits. *Basis Lab Study on Sample Microbes ^Anti-Microbial Action, basis lab study.

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

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