DealFry® Sphatik Crystal Shiva Ling Lingam Set with Snake Face Hood Stand, Holy Nagfani Parad Shivling Statue for Hindu Puja, Made in India Best for Gifting
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DealFry® Sphatik Crystal Shiva Ling Lingam Set with Snake Face Hood Stand, Holy Nagfani Parad Shivling Statue for Hindu Puja, Made in India Best for Gifting

Product ID: 295154408
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DealFry bring to you a Sphatik Crystal Shiva Ling Lingam Set with Snake Face Hood Stand. Lord Shiva is in the form of Jyothi, Lingam and Spatika. Lord Shiva resides in atom, electron and neutron of the spatika lingam. According to ancients 'Prana Prathista of Shiva Lingam' is not required when the lingam is made with spatikam. By touching spatika lingam in the early morning will bring positive effects for the whole day. Spatika Lingam has divine power. In Puranas Spatikam is the divine stone which represents the Trimurthi (Lords Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma) and goddess Shakti. As per Yajur Vedam Lord Shiva is also described as “Jyothi spatika Lingam”, i.e. Spatika is a Gemstone made of Silicon and Oxygen (SiO4) Spatika Shiva Lingam attracts the sunlight and reflects 7-colors as the rainbow The vibrations present in the spatika lingam are very high and will counteract all the negative effects of planets Worshiping. Spatika Linga will give confidence, power, perfection and removes all sorts of worries. Spatika Lingam worship will enhance wealth and prosperity. Spatika Shiva lingam gives tremendous concentration and is better for students, businessmen and people who need to achieve goals. Sphatik Linga is a symbol of the Nirguna Brahman. This is more popular for Aradhana or worship of Lord Shiv. It represents the attribute less supreme self, or the formless and attribute less Shiva. The Shivalingam denotes the primeval energy of the Creator. It is believed that at the end of all creation, during the great deluge, all of the different aspects of God find a resting place in the Lingam; Brahma is absorbed into the right, Vishnu to the left and Gayatri into the heart. Worshipping of Lingam blesses the family of the devotee with Unity, harmony, spiritual upliftment and prosperity.

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