ARG AROGYAElectric heating Blanket for Double bed/Electric Heating Blanket/Warmer Shockproof with Temperature Controller in Size (60 x 70 inches) (Random) (Pack of 1) Multicolor or design.
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ARG AROGYAElectric heating Blanket for Double bed/Electric Heating Blanket/Warmer Shockproof with Temperature Controller in Size (60 x 70 inches) (Random) (Pack of 1) Multicolor or design.

Product ID: 294060153
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ARG AROGYA ELECTRIC BLANKET (ARG 709) is fast-warming electric blanket which will sense your body heat to keep you at the optimum temperature all night. The double Bed Electronic Heating Blanket features settings will give you different levels of heat, so you can decide just how warm you want your bed to be. To ensure the electric blanket offers the most comfortable heating experience, a sensor will record your body temperature throughout the night and automatically adjust the warmth from the blanket accordingly. FEATURES This electric blanket will heat up in a swift 10 minutes. Temperature Controller. It is shockproof. Electric bed warmers reduce your electricity bill to a fraction. SPECIFICATIONS MODEL : ARG 709 WEIGHT : 900 Grams IN THE BOX: 1Pc ARG AROGYA Electric Heating Blanket with temperature controller. INSTRUCTIONS OF USE Plug in the electric blanket. Most of the newer models have long cords to allow you to use them in any situation. Use a blankets or sheets both under and over the electric blanket for the most comfortable heat. Preset the electric blanket to warm your bed. Nothing is better than jumping into a bed that has been already warmed. Turn down your furnace and use less energy. Keeping your bed warm with a low voltage blanket allows you a great deal of savings on the heat at night.

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